“Joe Jordan, former Mighty Paradocs drummer, has been a part of Rockers since its inception. Now, he creates music under the name the Joe Jordan Experiment. He still is a “regular” at the shows as a performer and spectator. He said Rockers gave him a sense of community. “It’s like a home for a lot of us bands,” Jordan said. “I’d liken it to CBGB’s during its punk heyday. No fighting, just high-energy excitement.”
“There's a kid in every city and every town that thinks he or she is the weird one. His jeans are too tight or too saggy, and no one cares about his stupid haircut. His or her favorite song is the worst song. But bump that terrible song. The general consensus of Afropunk isn't rebellion, it's freedom. When your mom thinks it sucks, it's probably super awesome. Your best friend — the one running his mouth about your jeans — is waiting on someone, anyone, to say what's good. If you already know Alice Smith, Toro Y Moi, and Joe Jordan are brilliant, of course he or she is mad. It's a fusion of understanding, compromise and not caring. It's a beautiful laying down of pretentiousness and a refusal to do anything other than what feels right. The freedom to be so bold in your own person takes real bravery and boldness. That's a confidence that most aren't allowed to feel. To be Afropunk is to be 100 percent of whatever is you are, and that feels awesome! ”
Matt Morgan via Leah Faye Cooper - Societe Perrier
“If Cream had speed metal leanings or if Rush had hooks and rhythm — that's the JJX sound. While Gore and Wardhana maintain a pliable but pummeling rhythm, Jordan soars atop it with a mass of focused blistering solos and warmly handsome vocals.”
"Cool,” a refreshing yet simple word that is used for everything from acceptance to a description, and it just happens to be fitting for Joe Jordans Experiment (or JJX for short).
Nicole Cannon - Origivation Magazine
“Jacqui Gore, the veteran drummer for her son's band, Philly's Joe Jordan's Experiment who played on Saturday took it all in stride. "It is a bit confusing about what exactly this festival is about, but it does provide us with an opportunity to teach the younger generation about rock n' roll." ”
“What can I say about the festival, despite the mass population of people that was in attendance, it was all stellar cast of performances from The Joe Jordan Experiment (Where Joe’s mom was a total beast on the drums) , Sinkane, Toshi Reagon, the sweet Purple Ferdinand (with her brand new electric ukulele) , Alice Smith and The Memorials. ”